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About: Meet The Team
English Department
Mr Mawhinney - HOD
Mrs Mawhinney
Mrs Fay - Literacy Coordinator
Mr Morrow
Miss McGuinness
Mr Hamilton
Maths Department
Mrs Deeney - HOD
Mrs Jardine
Mr Irwin - Numeracy Coordinator
Mr Fay
Mrs McGreevey
Ms Bird - Vice Principal
Science Department
Miss Dickson - HOD, STEM Coordinator
Mrs Bell - Leader of Progress and Attainment
Mrs McCullough - Leader of Pastoral Care
Mr McCann
Mrs McKnight - Head of Year 10
Miss Craig
Mr Tappin - Technician
Art Department
Mrs Hutchinson - HOD
Ms Comerford
Business Studies and ICT Department
Mr McSteen - HOD
Mr Neill - Leader of Careers Education
Miss Quinn - Head of Year 12
Careers Department
Mr Neill - Leader of Careers Education
Geography Department
Mrs Murray - HOD
Mrs French
History Department
Miss Bailie - HOD
Mrs Fay
Home Economics and Hospitality Department
Mrs Burns - HOD, Head of Year 11
Miss McGoldrick
Miss Quinn - Head of Year 12
Modern Foreign Languages Department
Mrs Davidson - HOD
Miss McKane
Music Department
Mrs Adair - HOD
Mrs Coulter
Miss Barr
PE Department
Mr Lightbody - HOD
Mrs Robinson - Leader of Communication
Mr Maguire
Miss Logan
Technology Department
Mr Armstrong - HOD
Mr Crowe - Leader of Teaching and Learning
Mr Harrison
Mrs McCully - HOD
Mrs Armstrong - SENCO
Mrs Irwin
Ms White
Mr Roulston
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